'Twas the Night Before Christmas' (Yoga Version)

‘Twas the night before Christmas
When all through her body
Not a muscle was stiff -
No, not even knotty.
For earlier that week
Yogi had been to her mat -
Had stretched out her muscles
With poses like cow and like cat.
She’d balanced in tree pose,
Worked on her core,
Stretched and released,
Savasana’d and more.
With gratitude, she’d hung
Christmas Spirit with care
In her thoughts and her deeds.
From her heart, she would share.
And with mindful attitudes
Snug in her head,
It was easy to unwind
And relax, once in bed.
Her body, her spirit,
And her mind let her know
That the jingle of bells
Was reason to glow.
The season of Santa,
Whether you’re young or you’re old,
Is a season of magic
For all to behold!
For with loving kindness
Towards others and self,
All can become
Like that jolly old Elf!
So she wasn’t surprised
When she heard on the roof,
The prancing and pawing
Of each little hoof.
Her eyes how they twinkled,
Her dimples looked merry -
In part due to yoga
Her zen sanctuary!
She applauded the love
Santa spread all around.
So this she decided
She would do all year round.
She heard him exclaim
Ere he drove out of sight,
“Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night!”
She smiled and she giggled.
It’s something you do
When sharing and caring
Is a big part of you!
She’s grateful for yoga
How it's helped her to be
More self-accepting,
flexible and free.
May this season of joy
Fill your Home Sweet Home
With the Spirit of one
known by yogis as “Om!”