“So, what can a private, custom, Expedition Inner Wisdom retreat look like?”
Part 2 of 3
The third retreat hour from 5 to 6 p.m. outfitted the participant with sixty minutes of free time before the bar-b-q supper. Retreat free time options included: swimming in heated pool or lake, biking (bikes provided), hiking in campground or neighbouring area (provincial park trials, Long Point Eco-Adventures free trails), exploration of the local Norfolk county area (maps and brochures of local destinations were provided at check-in), “decklaxing” (selecting from a variety of comfortable deck chairs, including one by water element – a large, its-its-own-self-sustaining-eco-system, deck pond complete with live, colorful fish), “hammocking” (either on the site hammock made from recycled tetra packs or the portable, fits-in-a-small sack, parachute-material hammock one can take hiking, to the beach, etc.), or any other activity that the women felt contributed to their overall sense of wellbeing, connection to nature, and specific intention for their individual retreat.

Many “decklaxing” options existed at camp for the clients - including a comfy seat by the kettle pond.
“I think I spent my first free hour just admiring the deck and gardens and details of the environment. Loved the hammock.” Amy.
“Free time allows for quiet reflection.” Jen
The menu for the 6 pm bar-b-q on the first day had been co-designed with the clients, days before the retreat. Keeping in mind that the placement of quality fuel in the body facilitates well being, all meals and snacks of the retreat (except for the campfire marshmallows!) reflected healthy choices. I served Jen and Amy local, farmer-stand fruits and vegetables and salmon burgers on their first respective days. Supper was served outdoors to continue to strengthen the connection to the elements and was followed by an hour of free time from 7 to 8 pm.

“All my basic needs were met – I never had to even think about being thirsty or hungry. All food and drinks were so amazing and yummy. The balance of activity and down time is great.” Amy
“Fabulous, healthy dinner.” Jen
At 8 pm, I met the client back in the gazebo for some gentle yoga, reflections, and candlelit card readings. The gentle yoga included poses to aid in digestion and relaxation. Some theme-related literature excerpts accompanied a few of the poses, and I taught each client the Ocean Flow (a gentle series of yoga poses) which we would use in a modified form on the paddleboard the next morning. After the yoga session, we sat down together at a candlelit table in the gazebo for a few life-coaching power questions; each woman, with journal in hand, identified the questions that resonated the most with her, and I was then able to offer a sub-set of further power questions that directly related to those larger questions she had just identified. After some moments of silent reflection, I then brought out Denise Linn’s (the best-selling author of Soul Coaching) Native Spirit cards that the women used to deepen their exploration of their internal terrain. As one of many techniques used for reinforcing connections between retreat experiences, these selected cards would be referenced during the paddleboard yoga mediation and the closing relaxation session on the next/final day.

“I loved the Ocean Flow yoga! The mantras are the best, and it is something I can take with me.” Amy
“Ocean Flow yoga convinced me to try more yoga in the future – positive energy + affirmations = relaxing and good for me. The power questions were a great warm-up to the card reading. It helped with my focusing and reflection on work from today.” Jen
By 9 pm, the stars illuminated the sky, the fireflies’ twinkled their lights across the grasses, gardens, and neighbouring woods and the glow of the campfire’s flames danced effortlessly in front of our feet. Fire element, in its many forms, became front and center capturing our attention and imagination. Our unstructured conversations flowed between silence and dialogue, reflection and playfulness with the periodic emphasis on the art of marshmallow toasting, and upon the client’s cue, we retired to the Airstream for a good night’s rest before our early start to the beach for paddleboard yoga the next morning.