Canada 1-5-0 Roadtrip

4945 kilometers 24 days 19 Airstreams
8 campgrounds 5 provinces 4 islands 4 capital cities
1 fabulous celebration of the true north, strong and free!
Oh Canada, what a glorious country you are! How fortunate for me that I could share the celebration of this fine country's birthday for the first 14 days of the 24 day trip with the friendly members of the WBCCI Airstream Club on their sesquicentennial caravan. As their travelling yoga instructor happily providing yoga adventures at each of their four venues in Peterborough, Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City areas, I also got to enjoy other caravan activities including group campfires and happy hours, outdoor dinner theatre, changing of the guards at the Parliament Buildings, tours of the world's highest lift lock, the Canadian Canoe Museum ("It wasn't hockey that defined this country!"), the Canadian Museum of History, Parc Maritime de Saint-Laurent and so much more! Yet, even with all these spectacular activities as "competition", Expedition Inner Wisdom's delivery of yoga experiences was met with high praise by the caravan participants who appreciated the inclusion of these regular wellness exercises into their caravan itinerary. At the end of the caravan, my faithful travel partner (my husband) and I carried on our travelling

tribute to Canada by capturing further rewarding Canadian experiences in three additional provinces. In New Brunswick, we celebrated local craftsmanship at the "From Human Hands" summer festival and at Picaroons Craft Brewery in Fredericton, we drank in the magnificent rock formation sites at low tide at Hopewell Rocks, and we filled our hearts with the music of nature when horseback riding on the Trans Canada Trail just east of Fundy National Park. In Prince Edward Island, we biked, hiked, paddleboarded, and took advantage of Parks Canada's free admission in in honour of the country's birthday and explored the quaint grounds of Green Gables Heritage Place and in Charlottetown, PEI we discovered my favourite-ever farmer's market. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia adventures involved a canoe and ferry ride, seafood meals with Atlantic Ocean views, craft breweries (one sold local kombucha and the other homemade soup with local produce!), the Sydney Farmers Market, a tour of Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site, treks on the Cabot Trail (including a hike on the Freshwater Lake Lookout Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park), and an afternoon listening to local folk, blues, Celtic, country, and bluegrass music at the Acoustic Roots Festival at two Rivers Wildlife Park!

I'm beyond proud to be Canadian. Our land, wildlife, people, and history frequently brought me to tears of reverence on this trip. The opportunities to experience nature and local cultures in five of our provinces on our nation's 150th birthday year has left me humbled and enormously grateful.
In my lifetime, I've visited and/or resided in nine of our ten provinces, but I've yet to soak up the wonders of Newfoundland and Labrador, and I still seek to embrace the beauty in our three territories - Yukon, Nunavut, and Northwest Territories. So there rests a plan for future travels of this, our home, the true north strong and free - CANADA!
"It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw, not because she is Canada but because she's something sublime that you were born into, some great rugged power that you are a part of," Emily Carr.
If your group, club or organization is looking to incorporate some wellness activities into your events, contact me at Expedition Inner Wisdom for custom designs to suit your needs.
Email: or call us at 519-902-2059 Namaste and happy travels! Click on the video below to see highlights of our trip.