Three Lessons Learned in the First Eleven Months of Retirement
Lesson #1 : No Regrets

I have zero regrets about following the advice of creating something to retire into. For me, building my small business Expedition Inner Wisdom Incorporated is that something. I joyfully share 50 plus years of life experience and 30 plus years of involvement in public education to now teach and coach what I believe encompasses the most important lesson in life - knowing your authentic Self. My life has purpose serving others in a way that excites my spirit and fills my heart - thus leaving no empty hole where my previous career use to exist.
Lesson #2: An Inescapable Look In the Mirror

When I first retired, I often thought about how extremely fortunate I am to need to merely stay alive to receive a monthly, handsome pay cheque from which I can lead a comfortable existence of true freedom. Yet, I am not proud to admit those moments of appreciation began to grow further and further apart, until I realized that the act of being grateful really does involve a muscle that requires regular exercise. I have adopted the commitment and practice of a daily gratitude routine that consistently involves reciting many of the freedoms retirement brings including how it allows me to run my Expedition Inner Wisdom business, not from the incentive of needing to make money, but from the heartfelt motivation to share, in whatever small or large way I can, my skills and experiences for the greater good of others. Namaste