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Team Building Workshops at The Laughing Goat Yoga Studio
Expedition Inner Wisdom Inc. has teamed up with Laughing Goat Yoga Studio in Thorndale, Ontario to offer team building workshops for corporate, student, and private party groups.
Experienced and skilled facilitator Linda Weir, the creator and owner of Expedition Inner Wisdom, specializes in the conscious empowerment for groups and individuals. Linda, with her Masters of Education in Leadership and over thirty years of experience as a secondary school teacher and administrator, works with clients to custom design experiential team-building activities (including yoga with goats!) that improve team dynamics and boost morale. Grow the synergy of your group! Promote individual self-awareness, the foundational building block for strengthening trust between members, promoting open communication, and improving team productivity . . . and have some “kidding around” merriment along the way with Charlie, Elliot, Oliver, and Zoey – the adorable goats who ensure that folks don’t take themselves too seriously!
Your Team-building Facilitator
Linda Weir (B.A., M.Ed., RYT200), one of Laughing Goat Yoga Studio’s instructors, is an experienced, certified, and registered yoga teacher who joined our Laughing Goat Yoga Studio herd just before the opening of the studio. Linda is an experienced and licensed Stephen Covey: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People course facilitator and has successfully run a private, life-coaching practice. She has completed all of the core courses of the Co-Active Life Coaching Training Program from the Coaches Training Institute in California...
Our packages include gentle yoga with goats; no experience with yoga is necessary. Variations and accommodations are offered to meet the varying physical needs of participants. This group activity generates engagement, wellness, curiosity, playfulness, and a common, unique, group experience. The partner yoga component within it builds trust and communication between group members. Our yoga is taught by a certified and registered yoga instructor.
Team Building Workshop Packages
It is $85 per person for a two-hour team building workshop with the minimum payment reflecting the price of 8 participants.
For each additional team building workshop hour over two-hours, add an additional $40 per person.
You may also purchase additional hours for your team to attend to personal, agenda items at the rate of $100 per hour for the studio/meeting area space.




Team Building Packages
Our packages include gentle yoga with goats; no experience with yoga is necessary. Variations and accommodations are offered to meet the varying physical needs of participants. This group activity generates engagement, wellness, curiosity, playfulness, and a common, unique, group experience. The partner yoga component within it builds trust and communication between group members. Our yoga is taught by a certified and registered yoga instructor. Our programs also include communication-enhancing, problem-solving, frolicsome group games that prompt discussion, self-reflection, and new perspectives on approaching tasks and communication effectively. Two examples of the kinds of games utilized include mirthful, puzzle-solving, strategic scavenger hunts on the venue’s countryside grounds and package-wrapping challenges with humor-inducing, creative twists.
Our professional facilitator aligns workshops with your desired outcomes; consequently, your package includes a telephone consultation prior to the day of the workshop and skilled debriefings during the workshop. Sample questions to ask yourself are: What are my desired outcomes? What do I want my team to do differently at the end of this workshop? What values am I hoping to grow? What behaviors am I seeking to bring out in our workplace? What discussions do I want to encourage?
In addition, you can add to the team building portion of your visit by scheduling in meeting time to attend to your team’s personal agenda items. We also offer refreshment packages.
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